Curriculum Vita
Professional Experience
Creative Writing
2016 - present
Buyer, L.S. (2022). Home. Visions of Life Exhibit at the Skokie Public Library (November 1-December 20): Skokie, IL.
Buyer, L.S. (2021). Infinite Monkey Hypothesis. Turning Points, edited by Ruth Beach, Rolling Meadows, IL, Windy City Publishers.
Buyer, L.S. (2020). My Turn. Visions of Life 2: Art Inspired Short Stories, edited by Ivy Sundell, Winnetka, IL, Crow Woods Publishing.
Off Campus Writers Workshop, Board Member, 2019-present.
Schakowsky for Congress
2016 - present
Director of Special Projects, 2019 - present.
Supervisor, Intern & Fellowship Programs, 2017 – present.
Coordinator, 9th Congressional District Phone Banks, 2017 - 2018.
Governors State University
1994 - 2016
Professor Emerita, 2016 - present.
Professor of Psychology, 2005 - 2016.
Institutional Research
Interim Director of Institutional Research & Effectiveness, 2013-2014.
Director, 2009-2011.
Associate Director, 2006-2008.
Chairperson, Division of Psychology and Counseling, 2002-2004.
Representative Publications
Dominowski, R.L. and Buyer, L.S. (2000). Retention of problem solutions: The re-solution effect. American Journal of Psychology, 113, 249-274.
Berardi-Coletta, B., Buyer, L.S., Dominowski, R.L., and Rellinger, E.R. (1995). Metacognition and problem transfer: A process-oriented approach. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 21, 205-223.
Buyer, L.S. and Dominowski, R.L. (1989). Retention of solutions: It's better to give than to receive. American Journal of Psychology, 102, 353-363.
Buyer, L.S. (1988). Creative problem solving: A comparison of performance under different instructions. Journal of Creative Behavior, 22, 55-61.
Statistical Consulting
1988 - present
Statistical consulting, including statistical projections for political campaigns.
Buyer, L.S. (1989). Demystifying MGLH or It's got to be possible to analyze these data using the general linear model. Evanston, Illinois: SYSTAT, Inc.
Buyer, L.S. (1988). Introduction to SYSTAT on the MAC. Evanston, Illinois: SYSTAT, Inc
Buyer, L.S. (1988). Introduction to SYSTAT on the PC. Evanston, Illinois: SYSTAT, Inc.
Buyer, L.S. (1988). SYSTAT: Univariate and Multivariate Statistics. Evanston, Illinois: SYSTAT, Inc.